Re: [PATCH] %>la for intercepted connections

From: Amos Jeffries <>
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2011 14:03:15 +1200

 On Tue, 06 Sep 2011 19:04:29 +0300, Tsantilas Christos wrote:
> I am sending a new patch which does not touch the current ">la"
> formating code but instead adjust the "la" formatting code to follow
> rules as discussed by Amos.
> Please look in the documentation and the
> using...

 * LFT_LOCAL_LISTENING_ would be a bit more descriptive for the enum.
 The documentation could also use the word "listening" to be clearer on
 where it comes from.
 + la Local listening IP address the client connection uses.
 + lp Local listening port number the client connection uses.

 * The IP address display needs a re-structure. al->tcpClient is
 possibly a backup source on non-intercepted requests if
 cache.port->s.IsAnyAddr() [only this case]. Otherwise always use
 cache.port->s or dash.

 + if (al->cache.port == NULL) {
 + break; // dash
 + } else if (al->cache.port->s.IsAnyAddr()) {
 + if (al->tcpClient != NULL &&
 + !(al->request != NULL &&
 (al->request->flags.spoof_client_ip || al->request->flags.intercepted)))
 + out = al->tcpClient->local.NtoA(tmp, sizeof(tmp));
 + } // else dash.
 + } else {
 + out = al->cache.port->s.NtoA(tmp, sizeof(tmp));
 + }
 + break;

 * Drop all use of al->tcpClient and traffic types out of the port
 display code. To match the documentation cache.port->s should always be
 set when cache.port != NULL. If its missing from a particular path that
 needs to be known why (internally generated requests would be 0, others
 should not ever be).

 + if (al->cache.port) {
 + outint = al->cache.port->s.GetPort();
 + doint = 1;
 + }
 + break;

 * Drop the deprecation warning added for *_OLD_31 entirely now. That
 will prevent the altered codes having any effect.


> On 09/01/2011 12:08 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
>> %>la to always display tcpClient->local with a config documentation
>> note
>> about it being external IPs in intercepted traffic.
>> %la to display cache.caddr with a config documentation note that it
>> is
>> the squid receiving *_port details as known by Squid (caddr also
>> used by
>> icp_port and htcp_port on their messages).
>> Amos
Received on Wed Sep 07 2011 - 02:03:22 MDT

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