I work at an ISP and we use Squid as our proxy server on Linux boxes (all are
Pentium Pro, 256MB RAM, 12GB HD). But after Squid runs for a week or so, the
filesystems are seriously fragmented (non-continous rates > 20%) and the
machines get slower and slower. Has anybody else encountered such a
behaviour? And what about FreeBSD? Does Squid run better on this system?
BTW, we use Squid 1.1.20, Linux 2.0.32, ...
Best regards,
Oliver Andrich
-- Oliver Andrich, Rhein-Zeitung/RZ-Online, August-Horch-Str. 28, D-56070 Koblenz eMail: olli@rhein-zeitung.de MIME/PGP welcome PGPKey: request the following URL http://www.grass.org:11371/pks/lookup?op=index&search=olli@rhein-zeitung.deReceived on Mon Jan 19 1998 - 01:39:17 MST
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