I'm getting these messages in cache.log very often (squid-1.NOVM.22 in
SCO Unixware 2.1.3):
the connection to the parents gets lost, after a while my cache recovers
the connection, then it looses the connection again, all this
happenning every 10 or 15 minutes:
1998/09/09 16:58:31| TCP connection to bo.cache.nlanr.net/3128 failed
1998/09/09 16:58:45| uc.cache.nlanr.net( marked bad
1998/09/09 16:58:45| TCP connection to uc.cache.nlanr.net/3128 failed
1998/09/09 16:58:47| bo.cache.nlanr.net( marked good
1998/09/09 16:58:47| bo.cache.nlanr.net( marked good
1998/09/09 16:58:53| uc.cache.nlanr.net( marked good
1998/09/09 16:59:07| TCP connection to bo.cache.nlanr.net/3128 succeeded
1998/09/09 16:59:15| TCP connection to uc.cache.nlanr.net/3128 succeeded
1998/09/09 17:15:22| bo.cache.nlanr.net( marked bad
1998/09/09 17:15:22| bo.cache.nlanr.net( marked bad
1998/09/09 17:15:24| bo.cache.nlanr.net( marked good
1998/09/09 17:15:30| bo.cache.nlanr.net( marked good
1998/09/09 17:15:58| TCP connection to bo.cache.nlanr.net/3128 succeeded
I'd like to know if there's something to tune, I've three parents (two
from NLANR, and a third-one in Argentina, which is a squid-1.1.14
without ICP):
cache_host uc.cache.nlanr.net parent 3128 3130
cache_host bo.cache.nlanr.net parent 3128 3130
cache_host parent 1280 7
carlos horowicz
argentine foreign office
Received on Wed Sep 09 1998 - 11:45:48 MDT
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