Squid and DNS

From: Reimer <reimer@dont-contact.us>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 13:25:25 +0100 (MET)


I have a problem with squid and resolving of hostnames.
squid is 1.NOVM.21 on Linux 2.0.35.

I use yp on this server, and a nis-aware libc (ver 5.4.46),
a named is also running on this machine.
local resolving via nslookup and host or ping hostname works, even thru
the nsswitch.conf I'm able to resolv hostnames from the nis server.
Setting up squid with dnsservers enabled won't work, after a long time a
get a window reading hostname unknown, I tried resolving thru dnsserver
manually and it worked, so I think the communication between squid and
dnsserver might be broken. If I don't use nis (switch back to old libc)
everything works, If I use nis and don't use dnsserver it works for
squid, but if I use ftpget for ftp:// connections it cannot resolv hostnames.
My nis-aware library was self compiled, with no errors, but something
might be broken, any othe service on this machine was not effected.

Trying a newer version of squid (squid-2.0.PATCH2) resolving doesnt work.
The options dns_children cannot be set to 0 in this version, the option
dns_nameservers has no effect.
My question, is it possible to use squid on a nis client and how?


 Reimer Prochnow eMail:reimer@kreaktiv.com
  KreAktiv GbR
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  22089 Hamburg
 Tel: 040-20001636
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Find my public key at: http://www.kreaktiv.com/reimer.pgp
Received on Thu Dec 10 1998 - 05:55:30 MST

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