alpha and squid w linux

From: Kelly Prescott <>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 17:38:42 -0500 (EST)

Does any have any experience and/or helpful thoughts about running squid
on a alpha with Linux 2.0.36 and squid-2.1
I used to run squid-1.2beta22 and it ran fine on Linux 2.0.34. I read
that 2.0.34 had driver problems and my squid did occationally crash. I
upgraded my squid to 2.1 and my kernel to 2.0.36 We also added about 120
to 200 dial-in lines at this time.
Now I am unable to keep my squid running. It hangs my alpha, and it just
is not happy. I tried running 1.2beta25 and it runs, but restarts every
12 hours or so. I cannot find a specific problem, so more than any thing
else, I am looking for someone that has a similar setup to me who can
point me in the right dirrection. We average about 1.2 to 1.6 million
hits per day. The 1.2beta22 handled this load at about the 1.2 million
rate, but the 2.1 only runs for about 25 minutes before locking up my

Is there some kernel problem I am un aware of? or maybe I am not
compiling some option that I should be?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Received on Fri Dec 11 1998 - 15:24:55 MST

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