I´m configuring a squid2.2.STABLE3 web cache inside a NAI (old TIS) firewall
and my problem is to configure it for receiving in the firewall the real
client IP or name, instead of the webcache itself. It is needed to audit the
use of our Internet bandwidth.
Is it possible?
I don´t know if this email address can be used for this kind of questions,
if it isn´t I apologize for it.
In any case, thanks a lot for been patient with me.
_/Raul Herbosa, GMV SA,Isaac Newton 11,PTM Tres Cantos, E-28760 Madrid, Spain _/
_/Ph. +34 1 807 21 97 _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/De la unica manera que sabes lo que _/
_/Fax +34 1 807 21 99 _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/quieres es haciendo lo que no quieres._/
_/Telex 48487 GMEV E _/ email addr: _/Una vez que sabes lo que quieres: _/
_/ rherbosa@gmv.es !!!! HAZLO !!!! _/
Received on Mon Jun 28 1999 - 02:18:27 MDT
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