Refreshing log

From: Antony <>
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 17:26:29 +1000


Section 7.3 of the FAQ talks about starting Squid with a clean cache and
says to use -z or remove the log file.

I have a cache that has a large amount of data in it and I'm installing
STABLE4, so I'd like to rebuild the log file, thus removing 'stale'

The FAQ isn't clear on this. If I rmeove the log file, will it simply
rebuild it from the disk entries or will I lose the records (thus the

If it won't, how can I rebuild the log file (removing stale objects etc)
without losing the data?


 Antony Healey       ISOC-AU Founding Member     Ph:  +61 2 8584 4999
 General Manager             & Director          Fax: +61 2 9692 9960
 Healey Communications Australia  --  Giving you the world...
Received on Mon Sep 06 1999 - 01:42:57 MDT

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