[UNIXS] Proy servers (fwd)

From: Marc G. Fournier <marc.fournier@dont-contact.us>
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 09:49:14 -0300 (ADT)

Anyone want to guess at how Squid compares? Are we soooooo slow that even
the co-developer of Squid didn't feel Squid would compare, or is this
another "let's ignore the open source projects and only analyze the
commercial ones"?

"That?s why Data Comm com-missioned Polyteam, a group of researchers at
Information Resource Cache (IRCache, Boulder, Colo.) to conduct
performance tests on seven leading products. Polyteam?s expertise is
well-established: The group?s principal investigator codeveloped Squid,
the widely used open-source Web cache, and ICP (Internet cache protocol),
a means of getting multiple caches to work together. Team members maintain
and analyze caches on huge production networks. And in the last year,
Polyteam has developed Web Polygraph, a tool for benchmarking cache

Like, how do I explain to the anti-open source advocates in our group the
reasoning why a product like Squid, developed by the group that was
commissioned to do the comparisons, wasn't included in the comparisons? :(

Marc G. Fournier marc.fournier@acadiau.ca
Senior Systems Administrator Acadia University

  "These are my opinions, which are not necessarily shared by my employer"


Subject: [UNIXS] Proy servers


Proxy caches slash access costs by keeping frequently requested
content close at hand. But the sheer variety of products can make
the purchase decision a tough call. That's why Data Comm got
together with Polyteam, a group of researchers at Information
Resource Cache, and subjected seven leading proxy cache
products to a series of grueling performance tests. Several posted
stellar results. But buyer beware: Some are also staggeringly
complex and expensive.

Received on Wed Oct 06 1999 - 07:08:20 MDT

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