Adding header to pages

From: Henrique Pantarotto <>
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 02:57:31 -0200

Hello Squid friends,

I need to add a javascript pop-up banner to all HTML pages that are
served by Squid.

I wonder if this can be easily accomplished by modifying Squid's
sources. I also wonder if anyone has already done that.

So, is it possible to add an header (5 lines or so) to the beginning of
a "content-type: text/html" page? I guess the "content-length" would
have to be modified too.

Can this be done with Squid?

I tried understanding Squid's sources (specially client-side.c), but my
brain went into a coma (me too stupid). ;-)

Has anyone done this before? Can someone help me (telling me what
functions I should start looking and etc)

Note that cineca mailing-list search is not working as I write this, so
please apologize if this question has already been discussed and

Thanks to all,

Henrique Pantarotto
Received on Fri Dec 17 1999 - 22:05:59 MST

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