>-----Original Message-----
>From: Felix Enning [mailto:felix@dimedis.de]
>Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 4:24 PM
>To: squid-users@ircache.net
>Subject: Re: caching CGI Scripts
>Hello everybody,
>I read quite carefully the FAQ and searched in the archives, but I
>didn't found a solution to my problem.
>(but perhaps I was blind?)
>I want to use Squid 2.2 as a http-accelerator for the public pages
>dynamically generated by our content management system. These sides
>usually changed not very frequently and it would be possible to cache
>the output of some of the cgi scripts we use for, say, 1 hour. (Perl,
>some of the scripts > 10.000 lines of pure code and LOTS of SQL
>connections to an Oracle DBMS... Its WORTH caching it!)
i'm not sure but i guess database connections prevent caching.
>Ok, now I tried some of the tricks a read here to cache a cgi script
>which I called for testing with absolutely the same parameters
>and which
>doesn't produce a "no-cache". But SQUID still seems to refuse caching
>Based on a basic (http-accel) configuration:
>Which are the lines in squid.conf, that do the magic trick? Or is it a
>problem related to the Apache ModPerl we use? Or is there a tool, which
>would suite better to our problem?
>Squid seems to be a very powerful tool, but I will not use 99,9% of its
>features in my scenario...
>Thank you for any help,
>Felix Enning Tel.: 0221 92 12 60 32
>Softwareentwickler Hohenzollernring 103
>dimedis GmbH 50672 Koeln
> mailto:Felix.Enning@dimedis.de
> supporting http://www.hausfrauenseite.de ;-)
Ilker G.
Received on Wed Jun 07 2000 - 09:35:28 MDT
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