>I don't know what you have done in your web site and or ftp download
>site. But it might as well be considered the SQUID VIRUS.
And your e-mail might equally well be considered the "CLUELESS PERSON
>I recently downloaded an old version of squid to compile on Linux.
I >downloaded it on a win98 machine on my local net.
When reporting bugs, it's usually good form to tell us exactly which
version we're dealing with.
>Then transfered the file to a linux machine still zipped. I have not
even >configured or compiled it yet. My win 98 machine does a dns lookup
for >www.squid-cache.org every hour and causes my linux firewall to dial
the >ethernet.
So, just so I have this right, the tarredm, compressed and uncompiled
source code to a web caching proxy program has infected your PC with the
dial-up equivalent of the Love Bug virus. Spooky.
>I deleted all internet files ,all cookies and every thing every where
I >thought that it could be stored. But you have put something on my
computer >that I don't want.
Err, you /did/ want Squid, you downloaded it remember.
>and have not been able to get rid of. I require that you reply and
>tell me how to get rid of it.
Sure. Please type "format c: /u" and answer "Y" to all the questions.
That'll cure it! You should then return your computer to the manufacturer
for as much of a refund as you can get.
Yours very sincerely
Martin A. Brooks
The package said Windows NT 4 or better - I installed Linux.
Received on Fri Jun 16 2000 - 11:50:51 MDT
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