AW: [squid-users] Controling sub net users to a single URL

From: Ulrich Walcher <>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 13:59:08 +0100

as far as I remember the dstdomain has to start with a "." - so:
acl STANDARD dstdomain
http_access allow STANDARD

should work.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Simon White []
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 13. März 2002 09:38
An: Bruce M Scott
Betreff: Re: [squid-users] Controling sub net users to a single URL

On 13-Mar-02 at 10:19, Bruce M Scott's inspired musing was thus :
> acl STANDARD dstdomain
> http_access allow STANDARD

This should work, as would the other. The only way to really find out is to
test :)

I would go for:
acl STANDARD dstdomain
http_access allow STANDARD

without the slash, to because otherwise you probably need urlpath_regex or
urlpattern_regex as well.

You will, of course, require acls for those people who are allowed to surf
anywhere, and an http_access deny all... perhaps it might look something

acl themanagement src
acl theplebs src
acl STANDARD dstdomain

http_access allow themangagement
http_access allow theplebs STANDARD
http_access deny all

You can combine 2 or more acls in one http_access line to accomplish a lot
things. You can do it via time too, how about this, if your office day is
like mine (probably not) 8.30-12.30, 14.30-18.30:

acl WkMorn time MTWHF 8:30-12:30
acl WkAft time MTWHF 14:30-18:30

Then make your access lines like this, of course replacing those above:

http_access allow themanagement
http_access allow theplebs all !WkMorn !WkAft
http_access allow theplebs STANDARD
http_access deny all

Which means they will be able to surf anywhere out of office hours (as
declared in acls WkMorn and WkAft, note that the ! means NOT) but only to
site STANDARD in office hours, and of course, as usual, themanagement can do
whatever they please :-)

|-Simon White               # GIMPS current unit progress: 38.18% #-|
|-Internet Services Manager # > #-|
|-MTDS S.A. 14, rue 16 novembre    :-Pd-;      tel: +212.3.737.4861-|
|-Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco      Cyberneckin'  fax: +212.3.737.4863-|
Received on Wed Mar 13 2002 - 05:57:45 MST

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