[squid-users] Re: Problem Blocking msn messenger

From: Adam Aube <aaube01@dont-contact.us>
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2005 16:52:28 -0500

Please don't post a new issue by responding to another post - it breaks
threading and makes the archives harder to follow. Instead, post a new
message to the list.

Carlos Simbaña wrote:

> 1. I am trying to block msn messenger, but when I include
> logginnet.passport.com in the squidGuard blacklist block the msn but
> hotmail too.

Since both use Passport for authentication, this isn't suprising.

> 2. If I build a white list with hotmail.msn.com, the web page not appears.

Because you're still blocking Passport.

> 3. After that, I remove logginnet.passport.com from black list
> (squidGuard) and put in my squid.conf

> acl msnmessenger url_regex -i gateway.dll
> http_access deny msnmessenger
> acl msn req_mime_type -i ^application/x-msn-messenger
> http_access deny all msn
> http_access allow all
> Then works hotmail But NOT block msn messenger :-(

Kudos to you for trying the archives before posting.

Could you post all your acl and http_access lines, and detail what station
IP address you are testing from? It might be a misconfiguration elsewhere.

Received on Wed Jan 05 2005 - 14:52:42 MST

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