I have solved!!!
There was one error in rpc client side(mine stupid type of error on user)
and this is the final configuration(with loadbalance on cache_peer):
acl all src all
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl SSL_ports port 443
acl Safe_ports port 80 # http
acl Safe_ports port 443 # https
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
acl QUERY urlpath_regex ARSystem.css
acl QUERY urlpath_regex LocalizedMessages_it.js
no_cache deny QUERY
acl xxxx src
acl xxxx src
acl easy_bb src xxx.xxx.64.0/19
acl easy_bb src xxx.xxx.224.0/19
acl easy_bb src xxx.xxx.16.0/20
acl easy_bb src xxx.xxx.81.0/24
acl easy_bb src xxx.xxx.87.0/24
acl easy_bb src xxx.xxx.26.0/24
acl easy_bb src xxx.xxx.144.0/20
acl easy_bb src xxx.xxx.240.0/20
acl access_mail urlpath_regex -i "/etc/squid/users/access_mail.txt"
acl access_url url_regex -i "/etc/squid/url_valid.txt"
acl acl_pfa dstdomain webmail.XXXxxx.it
http_access deny easy_bb
http_access allow xxxx
http_access allow access_mail
http_access allow access_url
http_access allow localhost
http_access deny all
http_reply_access allow all
icp_access allow all
ssl_unclean_shutdown on
http_port 80 transparent
https_port accel vhost cert=/etc/squid/cert/wm.XXXxxx.it.cert key=/etc/squid/cert/wm.XXXxxx.it.private.key cafile=/etc/squid/cert/cafile.cert defaultsite=webmail.XXXxxx.it
cache_peer mi1exprom1.nf.xxxxXXX.it parent 443 0 ssl sslcert=/etc/squid/cert/mi1exprom1.cert sslflags=DONT_VERIFY_PEER proxy-only no-query no-digest front-end-https=on sourcehash round-robin originserver login=PASS
cache_peer mi2exprom2.nf.xxxxXXX.it parent 443 0 ssl sslcert=/etc/squid/cert/mi1exprom1.cert sslflags=DONT_VERIFY_PEER proxy-only no-query no-digest front-end-https=on sourcehash round-robin originserver login=PASS
cache_peer mi1exprom2.nf.xxxxXXX.it parent 443 0 ssl sslcert=/etc/squid/cert/mi1exprom1.cert sslflags=DONT_VERIFY_PEER proxy-only no-query no-digest front-end-https=on sourcehash round-robin originserver login=PASS
cache_peer mi2exprom1.nf.xxxxXXX.it parent 443 0 ssl sslcert=/etc/squid/cert/mi1exprom1.cert sslflags=DONT_VERIFY_PEER proxy-only no-query no-digest front-end-https=on sourcehash round-robin originserver login=PASS
cache_peer_access mi1exprom1.nf.xxxxXXX.it allow acl_pfa
cache_peer_access mi1exprom1.nf.xxxxXXX.it deny all
cache_peer_access mi2exprom2.nf.xxxxXXX.it allow acl_pfa
cache_peer_access mi2exprom2.nf.xxxxXXX.it deny all
cache_peer_access mi1exprom2.nf.xxxxXXX.it allow acl_pfa
cache_peer_access mi1exprom2.nf.xxxxXXX.it deny all
cache_peer_access mi2exprom1.nf.xxxxXXX.it allow acl_pfa
cache_peer_access mi2exprom1.nf.xxxxXXX.it deny all
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
logformat combined2 %>a %ui %un [%tl] "%rm %ru HTTP/%rv" %Hs %
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Received on Tue Aug 11 2009 - 15:00:27 MDT
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