Hello Squid users
i am since two weeks the admin of a 300 employee company.
I got the network from the guy before me...1 and a half day to communicate .. :)
My problem is now that during last 8 days two times no internet access was possible.
At both cases reson was that squid was shown as running ( rcsquid status) and ok, but no web acces was possible.
Restarting - rcsquid start worked, but didnŽt solve the problem.
I tryed to clear the cache with webmin.
After this squid didnŽt start.
I saw, tha tcaches were not rebuil, so i mde them new with rcsquid -r
After this some seconsds later after restarting squid - all was working properly.
It was 8 days ago.
Today - same problem.
Same solution.
I checked the configuration and saw that all is in default configuration.
Additional i was told that since the squid was installed over two years ago ...problems like this were there several times..
I assume that there are mistakes at configuration
HD space is enough - there is no problem with
It will be fine to get hints how to tune up squid in a good way so it will be more stable.
rpm -q squid showed me: 2.5 42.47
thank you and best christmas wishes
Received on Wed Dec 23 2009 - 15:48:54 MST
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