Re: [squid-users] Squid - Squidguard ssl pages error code 404

From: Henrik Nordstr�m <>
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2010 01:32:35 +0100

mån 2010-03-01 klockan 17:29 -0500 skrev Michel Bulgado:

> I'm trying to implement squid with squidGuard 1.4 black lists
> management. but it happens that when I log great site as
> it returns me an error code 404 that the page not found. only happens to
> me with ssl pages.

Blocking/filtering SSL pages with SquidGuard do not work very well. You
need to use Squid acls for that, or wrap up SquidGuard as an external
acl instead of url rewriter..

The reason is that
a) Most browsers will not accept a browser redirect in response to

b) You can't rewrite a CONNECT request into a http:// requrest.

c) Most browsers will be quite upset if you rewrite the CONNECT to a
different host than requested.

meaning that there is not much you actually can do with CONNECT requests
in SquidGuard that won't make browsers upset.

Received on Tue Mar 02 2010 - 00:32:39 MST

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