On 24.04.2012 08:21, Joaquín Puga wrote:
> Hi all,
> We are using squid v2.6 STABLE21 as a reverse proxy. We have a three
> websites using http and 2 using https, each of them with its own IP.
> We have two Verisign SSL certificates (single domain) for the https
> connections. Those certificates expire in less than a month and we
> are
> considering replacing them with a Multi-Domain certificate, probably
> from entrust or Comodo, to facilitate adding websites in the future.
> Could anybody confirm multi-domain SSL certs are supported on squid
> v2.6 STABLE21, please? Assuming they are, is there any difference in
> the way multi-domain certs are used by squid? Currently we have a
> file
> with the SSL cert (first) followed by the CA intermediate cert.
Squid simply passes the SSL configuration details to OpenSSL APIs. Any
support or lack of it is a question about your OpenSSL library version.
FWIW: I'm not aware of any reason why multi-domain certs would not
work. Try it and see, your Squid-2.6 can have test ports open with a
test multi-domain certificate to experiment.
Received on Tue Apr 24 2012 - 00:22:51 MDT
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