Ihave some squid servers running on some companies and, from time
to time, i face some clientwith some bad software thatgenerates LOTS of
requests per second. And by a LOT i mean, sometimes, 90-100 RPS by a
single client. That usually happens on requests that are DENIED, so they
are processed quickly by squid.
I was initially thinking of some kind of control on these, but hey,
requests are already being denied, there's nothing else i could do based
on deny/allow.
So i was thinking of some kind of delay_pool but based on the number of
requests per second. The idea was when a client (IP address) reached N
numbers per second, squid would introduce some random (or fixed) delay
on the replies, thus making the client slow down the number of requests
a little.
I'm pretty sure that this kind of configuration cannot be acchieved
using only normal squid parameters, but maybe there's some scriptthat
can be used with external_acl that can help me with these situations.
Do you ever faced a situation like this ? If yes, what did you do ?
Thanks for any advice !
Just in case, i'm running 2.7S9 but can upgradeto latest with no problem
to acchieve these controls.
-- Atenciosamente / Sincerily, Leonardo Rodrigues Solutti Tecnologia http://www.solutti.com.br Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email gertrudes_at_solutti.com.br My SPAMTRAP, do not email itReceived on Thu Oct 18 2012 - 18:50:58 MDT
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